Salwa Karkara arabic children story book children education

Parent and Teacher guide Karkarah which translates from Arabic as "tickling" deals with the day-to-day life of Yasar, a child with Down syndrome. In this story, Yasar tells us about his family, his feelings, and his day-to-day activities. In this heartwarming story, Yasar tells us that he is no different from us and would love to be our frien

Arabic Education Source : AramediA
$ 19.95 USD
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Points for discussion: -What are Yassar’s favorite things? - What are your favorite things? -What are the things that bother Yassar? -What are the things that bother you? - What do you have in common with Yassar? - What does Yassar sometimes do that bothers other kids? - Do you sometimes do things that bother people? - What does Down syndrome mean? Is it a hereditary disease? Can you be treated for it? - How are you different from other people in your class? - Does it make you feel happy or sad that you differ from other people? Why?


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arabic children story book children education childhood books

arabic children story book, children education, childhood books

arabic children story book children education, Parent and Teacher guide Karkarah which translates from Arabic as tickling deals with the day-to-day life of Yasar, a child with Down syndrome. In this story, Yasar tells us about his family, childhood books