LogicKeyboard Presonus Studio One 3 PC Slim Line USB Wired Keyboard | Full Size Shortcut Keyboard for Presonus Studio One 3

Logickeyboard's Studio One shortcut keyboard for PC is a perfect fit for musicians and producers who want to quickly and efficiently navigate Studio One's many features.

$ 149.95 USD
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With Logickeyboard's Studio One shortcut keyboard as part of your studio setup, you'll be able to start new projects, access recent songs, adjust your hardware settings, build arrangements, and create new compositions.

Like every keyboard that Logickeyboard designs, the Studio One shortcut keyboard is impeccably visualized, delivering a highly functional, user-friendly layout that you'll master in no time.

Compatible with both Mac and PC, the Studio One shortcut keyboard seamlessly meshes with a studio environment, boasts virtuosic performance, and presents a visually attractive, easy-to-follow graphical layout with five easily recognizable icon-coded keycaps, and shortcut key commands in logical color groupings.


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Computer Keyboards
Computer Keyboards
Bi-lingual, large print, shortcut, and visually impaired keyboards at rock bottom prices

International Keyboards,Gamers, Shortcut Editing, Wireless Bluetooth Keyboards, Large Print, Computer Mice, Computer Keyboard Covers,

Shortcut Editing Keyboards
Shortcut Editing Keyboards
Shortcut keyboards are a beauty, and they save you a ton time. In this age of impatience, it's human nature to look for shortcuts.

Our shortcut keyboards feature up to 200 shortcuts per keyboard. Speed up your editing by as much as 50 %

Products Related to : Shortcut Editing Keyboards

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LogicKeyboard Presonus Studio One PC Slim Line USB Wired Keyboard

LogicKeyboard, Presonus Studio, PC Slim Line USB Wired Keyboard, Shortcut Editing Keyboards, Computer Keyboards, musicians, Studio One

Logickeyboard's Studio One shortcut keyboard for PC is a perfect fit for musicians and producers who want to quickly and efficiently navigate Studio One's many features.