A craft book of two parts that teaches children in clear easy steps how to make animals, cartoon characters, mobiles, puppets, games and much more from egg carton pulp.
Story utilizes the ghoul to talk about how we perceive people and creatures who are different. How our fears and prejudices may be built on false assumptions
Arabic Children's Books the Goldfish Series: Interactive fun filled stories for children 3-7 years old.
An exciting novel of self discovery and coming of age set in the occupied Palestinian territories. The novel shows a microcosm view of Palestinian life and the difficulties they face on a daily basis
Now for the first time all Star Trek movie comic books covering almost 3 decades of movies on 1 CD Rom.
A series about Jude a strong willed resourceful girl who is always getting in trouble. The young reader gets to know Jude her family and friends and her everyday joys and troubles.
Language Tree JAPANESE FOR KIDS volume 2 takes your child on an unforgettable learning journey with Hiro and his cute Shibu Inu puppy, Pochi . Along the way, your child will learn words and phrases related to useful daily topics: telling time, eating, playing sports, bedtime and much more.
Happy Signs Night: Learn Baby Sign Language (Babies and Toddlers) (2008), Language Tree
Arabic Picture Book for Kids - Goldfish Series - قصص ممتعة للأطفال
حزمة إسلامية (رشيد في عالم القرآن قصة النبي سليمان)
CHINESE FOR KIDS vol. 1 bring fun and excitement to language learning. Starring native Mandarin speakers and 3-D animated characters this DVD teaches basic conversational Chinese within the context of a fantastic birthday party
"In addition to developing a lifelong ability to communicate with more people, children with early language instruction benefit from improved overall school performance and superior-problem solving skills."
GERMAN FOR KIDS volume 1 introduces this complex language in a way that is fun and easy-to-understand. Starring native speaking actors and featuring 3D animation, this video teaches German within the context of a fantastic birthday party,Language Tree
FRENCH FOR KIDS is a DVD and booklet set that makes learning French a fun adventure for your child. Starring native French speakers and 3-D animated characters, FRENCH FOR KIDS teaches basic conversational French
FRENCH FOR KIDS volume 2 takes your child on an unforgettable learning journey with Pénélope and her cuddly French puppy, Pezi, Language Tree
The story line is full of action and humor and written in rhyme, It is a counting book ,an adventure story, a bedtime story and a book about animals. It encourages the child to count and to recognize numerals
Counting games and Rhymes are common among children in many cultures. This book has many traditional counting rhymes that relate to basic numeracy. It can help children learn to count to 10 or just have fun with numbers.
A modern retelling of the classic story with a decidedly NOT-dainty princess.
The haughty Queen, perfectly portrayed in American Sign Language (ASL) by Pinky Aiello, learns that a true Princess is more than dainty.
Children and adults will delight in the story and the whimsical illustrations.
The book ⁄ DVD package is accompanied by web-based instruction that, unlike most children's sign language materials, teach fundamentals of ASL grammar, vocabulary and syntax.
Enjoyable and instructive for novice and advanced users of ASL.
Arabic Children's Book (Magic Lantern) (Magic Lantern Series)
Uncle Khalfan's sheep are not ordinary sheep,for although they enjoy eating their fair share of grass and playing in the fields but they also keep regular check-ups with the dentist!
The Colors & Shapes theme aims to aid childrens recognition of colors, and shapes. Through clever and entertaining story lines. Venture on the exciting world of colors with the fairy mermaid that takes Tareq and his friends to an undersea adventure where they recognize all the beautiful colors around them.
كتب تعليمية عربية للأطفال
تتذكر الجدة فطوم كيف تعلقت بخروف العيد وهي في السابعة من عمرها، فتحكي لحفيديها ماهر وسلمى ما حدث معها من مغامرات وتنقلهم والطفل القارىء إلى أجواء طفولتها في القرية.
Our Witch loves Rapunzel, and though she locks her in the tower, she brings her treats and they spend their days together having tea and cookies.
GERMAN FOR KIDS volume 2 takes your child on an unforgettable learning journey with Sebastian and his best friend Schultz the dog. Along the way, your child will learn words and phrases related to useful daily topics: telling time, eating, playing
يعمل والد سامية الأرمل في قرية لفتا كمسحر طيلة شهر رمضان. ومنذ ثلاثين عامًا لم يتغيّب ليلة عن عمله، إلى أن مرض في أحد الأيام ولم يتمكّن من الخروج لإيقاظ الناس للسّحور. ولأنّ سامية تعرف جيّدًا مدى التزام والدها بالقيام بواجبه، ومدى حرصه على ألّا يخذل أهل
Learn Spanish - Beginner Level
NATURE FOR KIDS Beginning Spanish not only helps build essential foreign language skills, it also exposes children to the wonders of nature.
A hilarious story that shows how Aloush tries to deal with his mixed feelings towards his big brother’s fiancé
قصة ممتعة تنمي الخيال و تشجع الطفل على التفكير ، الخلق و الابداع, تحكي عن طفلة تقضي ، أمتع الأوقات و هي تلعب مع صديقتها
The Arabian Sinbad Treasure Chest is an Arabic learning package designed with the native and non-native Arabic speaker in mind. This package is a complete educational kit designed to teach children a wide array of Arabic vocabulary.
كتاب الأطفال باللغة العربية
"Anything" A new Arabic story book from the (Goldfish Series) that tells the story of two kids Samar and Rami, who spend a fun afternoon play acting and are delighted when their mothers return from shopping with a surprise that they bring along.قصص الأطفال باللغة العربية
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